FreeBSD的官方文档和社区的完善程度是所有操作系统里首屈一指的水平,随便对比一下Linux的发行版CentOS、Ubuntu、Arch Linux,macOS,windows,高下立判。唯二缺点是用户少导致软件生态不如Linux(但有兼容层),且其中文资料比较匮乏,因此在这儿记录一下我使用时遇到的问题。
zfs, ufs
Zettabyte File System
Unix File System
除此之外也支持Linux的EXT(Extended file system, 1992)和微软的NTFS(New Technology FileSystem, 1993)等。
2.用pw(8)),pw groupmod wheel -m myuser在某个组里添加某个用户myusesr,或者pw usermod myuser -G wheel,operator把myuser添加进多个组(-g单个组)里。
groups(1)可以直接查看某个用户所在的组,比如groups root,
我的用户在wheel operator video这几个组里。
ports, pkg
在FreeBSD上安装第三方软件一般三种方式,1.FreeBSD Ports 套件(从源代码安装);2.packages(从预编译的二进制版本安装);3.从网上搜资源自己编译安装。
绝大多数时候pkg install就够用了,两者各有优势,
Package Benefits
- A compressed package tarball is typically smaller than the compressed tarball containing the source code for the application.
- Packages do not require compilation time. For large applications, such as Firefox, KDE Plasma, or GNOME, this can be important on a slow system.
- Packages do not require any understanding of the process involved in compiling software on FreeBSD.
Port Benefits
- Packages are normally compiled with conservative options because they have to run on the maximum number of systems. By compiling from the port, one can change the compilation options.
- Some applications have compile-time options relating to which features are installed. For example, NGINX® can be configured with a wide variety of different built-in options.
- In some cases, multiple packages will exist for the same application to specify certain settings. For example, NGINX® is available as a nginx package and a nginx-lite package, depending on whether or not Xorg is installed. Creating multiple packages rapidly becomes impossible if an application has more than one or two different compile-time options.
- The licensing conditions of some software forbid binary distribution. Such software must be distributed as source code which must be compiled by the end-user.
- Some people do not trust binary distributions or prefer to read through source code in order to look for potential problems.
- Source code is needed in order to apply custom patches.
pkg search wireshark 搜索,
pkg install wireshark 安装,
pkg remove wireshark 删除,
pkg upgrade 会更新所有的包,但关于做过自定义配置的package你可能并不想全部更新,比如wireshark遇到问题我用upgrade解决后,v2ray回到原先版本又报panic,另外qbt升级后不再继承web-ui要单独运行nox。这时,可以使用pkg-lock(8),
pkg lock -a 锁定全部packages,这时被锁定的不会受reinstallation, modification or deletion影响,然后
pkg unlock wireshark 解锁需要更新的几个特定packages,再运行upgrade就可以对特定的软件用pkg更新了。
btw,pkg-remove(8) and pkg-delete(8) are the same thing (remove is an alias for delete).
cd /usr/ports/net/wireshark 到需要安装的软件的源代码路径,
make install clean 一步完成 make、 make install 和 make clean 这三个分开的步骤的工作。
顺带一提,FreeBSD里下载某个文件也是fetch url即可。
注意,尽量别用make deinstall/reinstall,我在解决下面wireshark那个动态库的问题时,因为操作自己下的新版本误用了deinstall/reinstall,把很多包都误卸载了,我推测是因为这个命令会卸载Makefile里的所有包,包括依赖,pkg remove就只会卸载指定包。
Yeah, “make deinstall” uses the information in the port Makefile and pkg-plist to see what to remove. If the version in the Makefile is not identical to the installed version, files can be left behind or accidentally deleted.
“pkg_delete” uses the information in /var/db/pkg, which corresponds to what’s actually on the disk.
“make deinstall” and “make reinstall” should really only be used for testing. “pkg_delete” and “make install” are better, more reliable tools.
xorg, gui
跟随官方教程如果遇到xrandr的Can’t open display错误,需要先xinit,DISPLAY变量会由xinit设置(:0),或者多尝试一下setenv DISPLAY,尽量不要Xorg -configure创建一个新的xorg.conf,xorg可以自动检测大部分参数。
pkg install mate
如果没有自动启动gui的话,在~下创建.xinitrc输入exec mate-session,之后就可以用xinit从cli进入gui(或者直接用exec mate-session)。
mount new disk
root@nas:/ |
但是这样挂载的硬盘在重启后就不在挂载点上了,而是跑到了/media下面,想一直mount在mount point上就要手动写入fstab,root@nas:/
/dev/gpt/efiboot0 /boot/efi msdosfs rw 2 2
/dev/nvd0p3 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/ada0p1 /newdisk ufs rw 2 2
/dev/mfid0p1 /RAID_LSI9271_ST4000VX015 ufs rw 2 2
umount -l和umount -f可以unmount busy device。
直接pkg install v2ray,
在/etc/rc.conf中加入v2ray_enable=”YES”之后service v2ray start即可。
Starting v2ray.
goroutine 1 [running]: +0x132
这时需要把老版本v2ray和v2ctl转移到/usr/local/bin/v2ray,修改一下/usr/local/etc/v2ray/config.json之后就能正常运行。root@nas:/ # find / -name v2ray
上传FreeBSD的v2ray时不小心把macOS的v2ray删掉了,下了个新的改了新版本v2ray要跟run才运行)之后报文件损坏的错误,xattr -cr即可修复。
note: socks port 1081; http port 8001.
root@nas:/ |
Some facts:
- uPNP protocol uses UDP 1900
- miniDLNA uses TCP 8200 for status web page
- miniDLNA on FreeBSD:
- service is minidlna
- process is minidlnad
- configuration is /usr/local/etc/minidlna.conf
- log file (default) is /var/log/minidlna.log
- db directory (default) is /var/db/minidlna/
- minidlnad -R to rescan
- VLC can be used as DLNA client
DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance 数字生活联盟),根据spirespark文档,协议集包括以下部分,
Functional Components | Technology Ingredients |
Connectivity | Ethernet, 802.11 (including Wi-Fi Direct), MoCA, HD-PLC, HomePlug-AV, HPNA and Bluetooth |
Networking | IPv4 and IPV6 Suite |
Device Discovery and Control | UPnP* Device Architecture |
Media Management and Control | UPnP AV, EnergyManagement, DeviceManagement, and Printer |
Media Formats | Required and Optional Format Profiles |
Media Transport | HTTP (Mandatory) , HTTP Adaptive Delivery (DASH) and RTP |
Remote User Interfaces | CEA-2014-A , HTML5 |
Device Profiles | CVP-NA-1, CVP-EU-1, CVP-2 |
其中核心是UPnP(Universal Plug and Play 通用即插即用),实现了DLNA的设备发现、控制等基本功能。
UPnP协议集又包含三个核心协议,SSDP(Simple Service Discovery Protocol 简单服务发现协议)、SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol 简单对象访问协议)、GENA(Generic Event Notification Architecture 一般事件通知架构)。
UPnP assumes the network runs IP and then leverages HTTP, on top of IP, in order to provide device/service description, actions, data transfer and event notification. Device search requests and advertisements are supported by running HTTP on top of UDP (port 1900) using multicast (known as HTTPMU). Responses to search requests are also sent over UDP, but are instead sent using unicast (known as HTTPU).
UPnP uses UDP due to its lower overhead in not requiring confirmation of received data and retransmission of corrupt packets. UPnP uses UDP port 1900 and all used TCP ports are derived from the SSDP alive and response messages.
UPnP假定网络运行着Internet Protocol并且利用IP之上的HTTP,提供设备或服务的描述、活动、数据交换和事件通知。设备发现请求由HTTPMU实现(UDP1900端口上的广播HTTP请求);响应由HTTPU(Hypertext Transfer or Transport Protocol over UDP)实现,是单播的,也用UDP。
Conceptually, UPnP extends plug and play—a technology for dynamically attaching devices directly to a computer—to zero-configuration networking for residential and SOHO wireless networks.
UPnP的Control Points(CPs控制点)使用UPnP控制Controlled Devices(CDs被控制设备),Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) servers are optional and are only used if they are available on the network. DHCP和DNS服务器都是可选的。
The foundation for UPnP networking is IP addressing. Each device must implement a DHCP client and search for a DHCP server when the device is first connected to the network. If no DHCP server is available, the device must assign itself an address. The process by which a UPnP device assigns itself an address is known within the UPnP Device Architecture as AutoIP. If during the DHCP transaction, the device obtains a domain name, for example, through a DNS server or via DNS forwarding, the device should use that name in subsequent network operations; otherwise, the device should use its IP address.
Once a device has established an IP address, the next step in UPnP networking is discovery. The UPnP discovery protocol is known as the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). When a device is added to the network, SSDP allows that device to advertise its services to control points on the network. This is achieved by sending SSDP alive messages. When a control point is added to the network, SSDP allows that control point to actively search for devices of interest on the network or listen passively to the SSDP alive messages of devices. The fundamental exchange is a discovery message containing a few essential specifics about the device or one of its services, for example, its type, identifier, and a pointer (network location) to more detailed information.
After a control point has discovered a device, the control point still knows very little about the device. For the control point to learn more about the device and its capabilities, or to interact with the device, the control point must retrieve the device’s description from the location (URL) provided by the device in the discovery message. The UPnP Device Description is expressed in XML and includes vendor-specific manufacturer information like the model name and number, serial number, manufacturer name, (presentation) URLs to vendor-specific web sites, etc. The description also includes a list of any embedded services. For each service, the Device Description document lists the URLs for control, eventing and service description. Each service description includes a list of the commands, or actions, to which the service responds, and parameters, or arguments, for each action; the description for a service also includes a list of variables; these variables model the state of the service at run time, and are described in terms of their data type, range, and event characteristics.
Having retrieved a description of the device, the control point can send actions to a device’s service. To do this, a control point sends a suitable control message to the control URL for the service (provided in the device description). Control messages are also expressed in XML using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Much like function calls, the service returns any action-specific values in response to the control message.
Event Notification
Another capability of UPnP networking is event notification, or eventing. The event notification protocol defined in the UPnP Device Architecture is known as General Event Notification Architecture (GENA). A UPnP description for a service includes a list of actions the service responds to and a list of variables that model the state of the service at run time. The service publishes updates when these variables change, and a control point may subscribe to receive this information. The service publishes updates by sending event messages. Event messages contain the names of one or more state variables and the current value of those variables. These messages are also expressed in XML.
The final step in UPnP networking is presentation. If a device has a URL for presentation, then the control point can retrieve a page from this URL, load the page into a web browser, and depending on the capabilities of the page, allow a user to control the device and/or view device status.
NAT traversal
One solution for NAT traversal, called the Internet Gateway Device Protocol (IGD Protocol), is implemented via UPnP. Many routers and firewalls expose themselves as Internet Gateway Devices, allowing any local UPnP control point to perform a variety of actions, including retrieving the external IP address of the device, enumerating existing port mappings, and adding or removing port mappings. By adding a port mapping, a UPnP controller behind the IGD can enable traversal of the IGD from an external address to an internal client.
一种NAT穿透的方法叫IGDP(网关设备协议)通过UPnP实现。很多路由器和防火墙会对网关设备暴露他们自己,这就让本地UPnP控制点能做很多事,包括检索一个设备的公网IP,列举它现存的端口映射,并且增删端口映射。通过增加一个端口映射,一个网关设备背后的UPnP控制者(IGD作为Controlled Device)可以让外网的网关设备穿透到内部设备。
root@nas:/ |
[global] |
root@nas:/home/V2beach/Desktop |
root@nas:/ |
finder里connect to server,连smb://192.168.x.x/SMBshare。
Server Message Block(服务器消息块)总的来说跟DLNA相比使用上的区别有,
1.DLNA只支持AV(Audio/Video)文件共享,而SMB是任何文件的共享,可以说对“Network Attached Storage网络附加存储”来说类SMB的服务是刚需;
Server Message Block (SMB) enables file sharing, printer sharing, network browsing, and inter-process communication (through named pipes) over a computer network. SMB serves as the basis for Microsoft’s Distributed File System implementation.
SMB relies on the TCP and IP protocols for transport. This combination allows file sharing over complex, interconnected networks, including the public Internet. The SMB server component uses TCP port 445. SMB originally operated on NetBIOS over IEEE 802.2 - NetBIOS Frames or NBF - and over IPX/SPX, and later on NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT), but Microsoft has since deprecated these protocols. On NetBT, the server component uses three TCP or UDP ports: 137 (NETBIOS Name Service), 138 (NETBIOS Datagram Service), and 139 (NETBIOS Session Service).
SMB基于TCP/IP协议实现传输,这让SMB能进行复杂的、网络间(包括公网)的文件共享。SMB服务器组件使用TCP445端口,SMB最初在基于IEEE802.2的NetBIOS(NBF)之上实现,之后基于TCP/IP(NetBT),但微软此后放弃了这些SMB协议。NetBT实现中服务器使用UDP/137(NetBIOS 名称服务)、UDP/138(NetBIOS 数据报服务)、TCP/139(NetBIOS 会话服务)。
The NetBIOS API and the SMB protocol are generally used together as follows:
- An SMB client will use the NetBIOS API to send an SMB command to an SMB server, and to listen for replies from the SMB server.
- An SMB server will use the NetBIOS API to listen for SMB commands from SMB clients, and to send replies to the SMB client.
一个SMB客户端会通过NetBIOS API向SMB服务器发送SMB命令, 并且监听SMB服务器的响应;一个SMB服务器会通过NetBIOS API监听SMB客户端的SMB命令,并且向SMB发送响应。
但两者实际上是相互独立的,SMB可以用别的API实现设备间交流,比如用Berkeley Sockets API;NetBIOS这个接口也可以用于实现别的协议。
NFS也(还记得ZFS吗)由Sun开发,论文Design and Implementation of the Sun Network Filesystem(Sandberg, 1985)。
里面提到的Unix 4.2系统指的是BSD4.2,NFS(Network File System)基本上是基于RPC(Remote Procedure Call, 远程过程调用)实现的,另外XDR(External Data Representation, 外部数据表示法)指的是一种标准数据序列化格式,在OSI表示层中实现。
- 客户端调用客户端stub(client stub)。这个调用是在本地,并将调用参数push到栈(stack)中。
- 客户端stub(client stub)将这些参数包装,并通过系统调用发送到服务端机器。打包的过程叫 marshalling。(常见方式:XML、JSON、二进制编码)
- 客户端本地操作系统发送信息至服务器。(可通过自定义TCP协议或HTTP传输)
- 服务器系统将信息传送至服务端stub(server stub)。
- 服务端stub(server stub)解析信息。该过程叫 unmarshalling。
- 服务端stub(server stub)调用程序,并通过类似的方式返回给客户端。
术语“marshal”被Python标准库认为与“序列化”同义。但与Java相关的RFC 2713不认为二者是同义:
——Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory (RFC 2713)
root@nas:/RAID_LSI9271_ST4000VX015 |
MacOS client
sudo mount -o nolocks,resvport,locallocks -t nfs 192.168.2.x:/RAID_LSI9271_ST4000VX015 /Users/v2beach/nas |
resilio sync是个P2P的网盘,潜力挺大但是跟我自动备份照片的主需求不太匹配;
photo sync相当好用,一方面速度很快而且支持的连接设备和功能都很全,另一方面我很喜欢跟iOS照片一样按天分类的功能。
看了半天v2ex选用了syncthing,也是个P2P的文件传输软件,FreeBSD里可以直接用pkg install syncthing安装,Android如果没有Google Play可以从GitHub获取,相当好用。
![]() |
相册, album, gallery
一开始死活找不到复杂配置的入口,直接访问网关ip就只能访问到简化设置,后来才发现是在8080端口,但useradmin的权限也相当有限,大部分功能都配置不了,而管理员用户的密码在联网的一瞬间就变成动态分配了,这时没别的办法,只能重置光猫用默认密码进设置(telecomadmin nE7jA%5m),改桥接并开启telnet(Hw9aH%6c),但没用。
thick jail (classic)
a jail only needs a hostname, a root directory, an IP address, and a userland.
IP address
jail有三种组网方式,1.Host Networking Mode (IP Sharing)跟宿主用同一个IP,2.Virtual Networks (VNET)获得独立网络栈,3.The netgraph system分别定义jail和宿主间、jails之间怎么网络交流,一般来说inherit就够用了。
userland, root directory
root@nas:/ |
或者直接下载base,fetch -o /usr/local/jails/media/13.2-RELEASE-base.txz
tar -xvf /usr/local/jails/media/13.2-RELEASE-base.txz -C /usr/jail/vim-adventure/
hostname, configuration
"/bin/sh /etc/rc"; =
"/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"; =
"/var/log/jail_console_${name}.log"; =
"${name}"; =
path = "/usr/jail/${name}";
ip4 = inherit;
ip6 = inherit;
interface = em0;
echo jail_enable=”YES” >> /etc/rc.conf
service jail start
jls查看现有jails,jexec 1 tcsh进入编号为1的jail。
root@nas:/ |
thin jail
thin jail更轻量,官方文档给了几种实现方式,
1.Creating a Thin Jail Using OpenZFS Snapshots;
2.Creating a Thin Jail Using NullFS;
3.Creating a VNET Jail;
4.Creating a Linux Jail.
最热门的容器技术docker在FreeBSD上的原生实现目前还有很多问题,但通过Linux二进制兼容层似乎可以运行。最初的FreeBSD版docker就是依赖 zfs与jail的。
wireshark Undefined symbol _ZN11QToolButton13checkStateSetEv@Qt_5
根据forum,可以直接更新pkg upgrade解决问题。
Private Tracker
qbt直接pkg install就能用了,我本来用的是4.5.4,但由于上面的问题,pkg upgrade完变成4.5.5,gui里没有了web-ui选项,想用webui要手动启动nox。(直接命令行qbittorrent-nox)
简单来说就是去开发者中心提交一个新add-on,选on your own提交离线的插件,不用提交源代码,很快就能过审,之后直接把xpi文件拖进浏览器就行了。
2.config里必须配置一个合作站点,否则跑不通,我随手申请了个HD Dolby的账户。
/dev/stdin: data
/dev/md0: data
vlc, mplayer都打不开文件,这些ISO都不是cd9660文件系统,也不是别的常见DVD文件系统,所以FreeBSD不支持直接转换,MKVToolNix和Handbrake能转换,但是要么特别慢要么转完巨大。
这至少是个windows XP的视频,是个被淘汰的视频格式,现在的系统里死活打不开,格式工厂都不会转,FreeBSD打不开这个奇怪FS的ISO就很像这个问题,FreeBSD上很少有人看这种windows上BDMV打包的ISO电影了吧。
PTGen, Differential
所以还是选择package了,因为差速器dft用的是python,还要下python和python package manager。root@nas:/usr/ports/lang/mono
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
python: 3.9_3,2
python3: 3_3
Number of packages to be installed: 2
2 KiB to be downloaded.
- setuptools报错,明明pip list里有但检索不到,因此需要—no-build-isolation强制不装依赖。
- 我用的图床是用Chevereto搭的imgbb。
- rhilip的ptgen要绕过cloudflare检测, 则只能通过浏览器访问,也许是关闭了ICMP之类的服务,因此要在differential/plugins/里(config.ini也能改)把ptgen_url改成second_ptgen_url: str的这个 ,也就是手动调一下顺序(第一个报错并不会自动尝试第二个ptgen_url),或者另找一个/自己在cloudflare搭一个改上。
- 同样的问题也出现在短网址服务上,网站用requests连不通,use_short_url改成false。这里是报错示例,config.ini我放在桌面上了。
- 配完之后发现并不能自动填充,需要自行安装easy_upload和auto_feed_js,我选择的是easy_upload,需要装Tampermonkey以应用Typescript脚本,配好后目前是挺好用的。
- 最后提一个我在FreeBSD上老犯的错,因为在CLI里我通常偷懒用root,这时运行dft是在root权限下启动firefox,会发现跟普通用户下的同一个软件不一样(插件和cookie之类的都不见了),这是因为不同用户的同一个application有不同的设置,V2beach@nas:~ % firefox或dft就好了。
问题5 | 配好后 | 问题6 |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
然后分别记录一下各种RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disks 容错式磁盘阵列),
RAID0, 1
RAID2用到了汉明码(Hamming Code ECC),海明码是一种ECC(Error Correction Code 纠错码),在此之前我想先回顾一下计算机网络里学过的冗余校验(Redundancy check)。
Redundancy check, Checksum, Parity bit/Check bit
Redundancy check(冗余校验)
冗余校验是一段数据中用于错误检测Error Detection和错误校正Error Correction的附加数据。
校验和是种最简单的冗余校验方式,CRC(cyclic redundancy check)循环冗余校验是经典的冗余校验方式。
包括校验码,校验位等,其中校验码(Check digit)通常是一组数字的最后一位,由前面的数字通过某种运算得出,用以检验该组数字的正确性。比如中华人民共和国的身份证号码,一共十八位,第十八位的计算方式是,
2.计算$\frac{S}{11}$的余数,$T=S\ mod\ 11$;
General topic
- Algorithm
- Check digit
- Damm algorithm
- Data rot
- File verification
- Fletcher's checksum
- Frame check sequence
- cksum
- md5sum
- sha1sum
- Parchive
- Sum (Unix)
- SYSV checksum
- BSD checksum
- xxHash
Error correction
Hash functions
File systems
- ZFS – a file system that performs automatic file integrity checking using checksums
Related concepts
Parity bit(奇偶校验)/Check bit(校验位)
奇偶校验位Parity bit是校验和Checksum的一种,也是最简单的错误检测码Error Detecting Code。
7位数据(1的个数) | 带有校验位的字节 | |
偶核對位元 | 奇核對位元 | |
0000000(0) | 00000000 | 00000001 |
1010001(3) | 10100011 | 10100010 |
1101001(4) | 11010010 | 11010011 |
1111111(7) | 11111111 | 11111110 |
In mathematics parity can refer to the evenness or oddness of an integer, which, when written in its binary form, can be determined just by examining only its least significant bit.
在数学里parity指的是一个整数的奇偶性,当一个数被写成二进制格式时可以仅看它的least significant bit最低有效位(LSB,就是权值2^0最后那位,相对应的是M(most)SB最高有效位,就是有符号二进制采用反码或补码形式的负数里,最高的表示正负的那位,1是负数0是正数)。
The parity bit ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the string is even or odd. Accordingly, there are two variants of parity bits: even parity bit and odd parity bit. In the case of even parity, for a given set of bits, the bits whose value is 1 are counted. In the case of even parity, for a given set of bits, the bits whose value is 1 are counted. If that count is odd, the parity bit value is set to 1, making the total count of occurrences of 1s in the whole set (including the parity bit) an even number. If the count of 1s in a given set of bits is already even, the parity bit’s value is 0. In the case of odd parity, the coding is reversed. Even parity is a special case of a cyclic redundancy check (CRC), where the 1-bit CRC is generated by the polynomial x+1.
偶数校验位是一种循环冗余校验CRC,一个特例,通过多项式 x + 1 得到1位CRC。
For example, suppose two drives in a three-drive RAID 5 array contained the following data:
Drive 1: 01101101
Drive 2: 11010100
01101101 XOR 11010100 = 10111001
Drive 3: 10111001
Parity bits are written at the rate of one parity bit per n bits, where n is the number of disks in the array.
实际上磁盘1和磁盘2按位对应计算偶数校验位(even parity bit)的结果就是磁盘3存入的XOR异或值。再多一些磁盘组RAID5也是一样的偶数校验位值。
In electronics, transcoding data with parity can be very efficient, as XOR gates output what is equivalent to a check bit that creates an even parity, and XOR logic design easily scales to any number of inputs. XOR and AND structures comprise the bulk of most integrated circuitry.
Drive 1: 01101101
Drive 2: 11010100
Drive 3: 10111001
如果盘1坏了,那Drive2 XOR Drive3 = 11010100 XOR 10111001 =
01101101 = Drive1,可以复原盘1数据。
operational rule of Boo-lean algebra,布尔运算律
Y | B = 0 | B = 1 |
A = 0 | 0 | 1 |
A = 1 | 1 | 0 |
Y = A’ · B + A · B’ = A XOR B
XOR (/ˌɛks ˈɔːr/, /ˌɛks ˈɔː/, /ˈksɔːr/ or /ˈksɔː/), EOR, EXOR, $\oplus$, $\nleftrightarrow$, $\not \equiv $. Exclusive or.
distributive law proof,(A+B)·C=A·C+B·C和A+B·C=(A+B)·(A+C),布尔代数分配律,
Unfortunately, the only proof of a distributive law in Boolean algebra is that very law written down, since it is an independent axiom of BA which cannot be proven through another law.
根据恒等律:X ⊕ 0 = X,归零律:X ⊕ X = 0,和反演律:(A · B)’ = A’ + B’;(A + B)’ = A’ · B’(数学归纳法),得到XOR的结合律。
所以$A \oplus C = A \oplus (A \oplus B) = (A \oplus A) \oplus B = 0 \oplus B = B$,就得到了上面的公式。
absorption law proof,A·(A+B)=A(对偶定律,A+A·B=A)布尔代数吸收律,
Hamming Code
By contrast, the simple parity code cannot correct errors, and can detect only an odd number of bits in error.
最后得到1011001被偶校验汉明编码的数据1010 1001 110。上面的校验位和数据位对应情况可以直接看下表,来自wikipedia。
Bit position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | … | |
Encoded data bits | p1 | p2 | d1 | p4 | d2 | d3 | d4 | p8 | d5 | d6 | d7 | d8 | d9 | d10 | d11 | p16 | d12 | d13 | d14 | d15 | ||
Parity bit coverage |
p1 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |||||||||||
p2 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||||||||
p4 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |||||||||||||
p8 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||||||||||||||
p16 | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
群论Galois Field (i.e. Finite Field)域
上面提到过,偶数校验位实际是通过多项式 x + 1 得到1位CRC的循环冗余校验,那在探索CRC之前必须学一下GF有限域。
在学习的时候遇到了一些困难,首先是定义和性质,看得我云里雾里,分别看了维基百科、知乎和这篇文章的翻译出处Channel Codes: Classical and Modern(之后找个地方上传一下这些资源)之后,仍然没有搞清楚定义和性质的推导,不过好在对有限域的运算理解了一些,这已经足够大概理解CRC了。
以下定义将直接摘抄自Channel Codes: Classical and Modern,这本书是美籍华人Adjunct Professor林舒和William E. Ryan的著作(2009年)。
Definition 2.2. Let S be a set with a binary operation ∗. The operation is said to be commutative if, given any two elements, a and b, in S, the following equality holds:
a∗b = b∗a. (2.2)
We also say that ∗ satisfies the commutative law, if (2.2) holds.
如果一个二元操作∗(不是乘法,任意的二元操作)在S上对任意元素都满足a∗b = b∗a,我们就说二元操作∗是可交换的,也说∗满足交换律。
2.3 Fields
In this section, we introduce an algebraic system with two binary operations, called a field. Fields with finite numbers of elements, called finite fields, play an important role in developing algebraic coding theory and constructing error-correction codes that can be efficiently encoded and decoded. Well-known and widely used error-correction codes in communication and storage systems based on finite fields are BCH (Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem) codes and RS (Reed–Solomon) codes, which were introduced at the very beginning of the 1960s. Most recently, finite fields have successfully been used for constructing low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that perform close to the Shannon limit with iterative decoding.
在信道编码的2.3节中,在介绍完2.1集合和二元运算(Sets and Binary Operations)、2.2群(Groups)之后,开始讲解有两个二元运算的代数系统——域。包含有限元素的域叫做有限域(galois),有限域在代数编码理论的发展中、在构建能高效编解码的错误校正编码中扮演了重要角色。在通信和存储系统中,基于有限域的广为人知的错误校正码有BCH码、RS码,都是在六十年代早期被发明的。最近,有限域被成功地用在构建通过迭代解码、性能接近香农极限的低密度奇偶检测(LDPC)码上。
2.3.1 Definitions and Basic Concepts
Definition 2.8. Let F be a set of elements on which two binary operations, called addition ‘‘+’’ and multiplication ‘‘·,’’ are defined. F is a field under these two operations, addition and multiplication, if the following conditions (or axioms) are satisfied.
- F is a commutative group under addition +. The identity element with respect to addition + is called the zero element (or additive identity) of F and is denoted by 0.
- The set F\\{0} of nonzero elements of F forms a commutative group under multiplication ·. The identity element with respect to multiplication · is called the unit element (or multiplicative identity) of F and is denoted by 1.
- For any three elements a, b, and c in F, $a·(b+c) = a·b+a·c$ The equality is called the distributive law, i.e., multiplication is distributive over addition.
- F是个加法的交换群。与加法相关的恒等元(identity element)被称为F的零元或加法单位元,用0表示。
- 集合F\\{0}(the set that contains the elements in X but not in Y is called the difference between X and Y and is denoted by X\\Y)即没有0元素的F构成了乘法的交换群。乘法相关的恒等元叫做单位元或乘法单位元,用1表示。
- 对于F内的任意三个元素a,b,c,$a·(b+c) = a·b+a·c$满足分配律,乘法可以分配到加法上。
From the definition, we see that a field consists of two groups with respect to two operations, addition and multiplication. The group with respect to addition is called the additive group of the field, and the group with respect to multiplication is called the multiplicative group of the field. Since each group must contain an identity element, a field must contain at least two elements. Later, we will show that a field with two elements does exist. In a field, the additive inverse of an element a is denoted by ‘‘−a,’’ and the multiplicative inverse of a is denoted by ‘‘a−1,’’ provided that a ̸= 0. From the additive and multiplicative inverses of ele- ments of a field, two other operations, namely subtraction ‘‘−’’ and division ‘‘÷,’’ can be defined.
A field is simply an algebraic system in which we can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division without leaving the field.
根据定义,可以发现一个域包含两个关于二元操作的群,加法和乘法。关于加法的叫做域的加法群,关于乘法的叫域的乘法群。因为每个群必须包含一个恒等元(单位元),所以一个域至少包含两个元素{0, 1}。之后会证明两个元素的域确实存在。在域中,加法的a反过来记作“-a”,乘法的a反过来记作“a-1”(a均不等于0),从这两个相反(逆运算)可以得到subtraction ‘‘−’’ 减和division ‘‘÷” 除操作。$a − b \triangleq a + (−b)$,很明显a-a=0;$a ÷ b \triangleq a · (b−1)$,很明显a÷a=1。
Definition 2.9. The number of elements in a field is called the order of the field. A field with finite order is called a finite field.
Definition 2.10. Let F be a field. A subset K of F that is itself a field under the operations of F is called a subfield of F. In this context, F is called an extension field of K. If K ̸= F, we say that K is a proper subfield of F. A field containing no proper subfields is called a prime field.
Definition 2.11. Let F be a field and 1 be its unit element (or multiplicative identity). The characteristic of F is defined as the smallest positive integer λ such that $\sum_{i=1}^\lambda 1=\underbrace{1+1+\cdots+1}_\lambda=0$ where the summation represents repeated applications of addition + of the field. If no such λ exists, F is said to have zero characteristic, i.e., λ = 0, and F is an infinite field.
Theorem 2.4. The characteristic λ of a finite field is a prime.
定义,设F是一个域而且1是乘法单位元,F的特征characteristic被定义为满足公式 $\sum_{i=1}^\lambda 1=\underbrace{1+1+\cdots+1}_\lambda=0$ 的最小正整数λ,其中的累加是重复域F里的加法操作。如果不存在这样的λ,F被称作有0特征,即λ=0且F是一个无线域。
构造扩展域(extenstion field)所需的不可约多项式(Irreducible Polynomial),本原多项式(Primitive Polynomial),还有群(Groups)论的概念之后再细讲。
Finite Fields
2.3.2 Finite Fields
The rational-, real- and complex-number fields are infinite fields. In error-control coding, both theory and practice, we mainly use finite fields.
Let p be a prime number. In Section 2.2.2, we have shown that the set of inte- gers, {0, 1, . . ., p − 1}, forms a commutative group under modulo-p addition $\boxplus$. We have also shown that the set of nonzero elements, {1, 2, . . ., p − 1}, forms a commutative group under modulo-p multiplication $\boxdot$. Following the definitions of modulo-p addition and multiplication and the fact that real-number multiplication is distributive over real number addition, we can readily show that the modulo-p multiplication is distributive over modulo-p addition. Therefore, the set of integers, {0, 1, . . ., p − 1}, forms a finite field GF(p) of order p under modulo-p addition and multiplication, where 0 and 1 are the zero and unit elements of the field, respectively. The following sums of the unit element 1 give all the elements of the field:
$1, \quad \sum_{i=1}^2 1=2, \quad \sum_{i=1}^3 1=1 \boxplus 1 \boxplus 1=3, \quad \ldots, \quad \sum_{i=1}^{p-1} 1=p-1, \quad \sum_{i=1}^p 1=0$
Since p is the smallest positive integer such that $\sum_{i=1}^p 1=0$, the characteristic of the field is p. The field contains no proper subfield and hence is a prime field.
- 整数集{0, 1, . . ., p − 1}构成模p加法(modulo-p addition $\boxplus$)的交换群,
- 还有无零元素集合{1, 2, . . ., p − 1}构成模p乘法(modulo-p multiplication $\boxdot$)交换群。
- 模p就是运算后对p取模,比如modulo-7的$1 \boxplus 9 = 10\ mod\ 7 = 3$。根据模运算定义和实数中乘法满足对加法的分配律的基本事实,可以证明模p乘法对模p加法也满足分配率。
三个条件都满足了,这个{0, 1, . . ., p − 1}就构成了阶数为p的有限域GF(p),0和1分别是域上的加法单位元和乘法单位元。
$1, \quad \sum_{i=1}^2 1=2, \quad \sum_{i=1}^3 1=1 \boxplus 1 \boxplus 1=3, \quad \ldots, \quad \sum_{i=1}^{p-1} 1=p-1, \quad \sum_{i=1}^p 1=0$,
因为p是最小的满足$\sum_{i=1}^p 1=0$的正整数,因此p是这个域的特征(即λ=p)。这个域不包含任何恰当的子域因此是一个素数域。
Example 2.8. Consider the special case for which p = 2. For this case, the set {0, 1} under modulo-2 addition and multiplication as given by Tables 2.6 and 2.7 forms a field of two elements, denoted by GF(2).
Note that {1} forms the multiplicative group of GF(2), a group with only one element. The two elements of GF(2) are simply the additive and multiplicative identities of the two groups of GF(2). The additive inverses of 0 and 1 are themselves. This implies that 1 − 1 = 1 + 1. Hence, over GF(2), subtraction and addition are the same. The multiplicative inverse of 1 is itself. GF(2) is commonly called a binary field, the simplest finite field. GF(2) plays an important role in coding theory and is most commonly used as the alphabet of code symbols for error-correction codes.
We have shown that, for every prime number p, there exists a prime field GF(p). For any positive integer m, it is possible to construct a Galois field $GF(p^m)$ with $p^m$ elements based on the prime field GF(p) and a root of a special irreducible polynomial with coefficients from GF(p). This will be shown in a later section. The Galois field $GF(p^m)$ contains GF(p) as a subfield and is an extension field of GF(p). A very important feature of a finite field is that its order must be a power of a prime. That is to say that the order of any finite field is a power of a prime.
Definition 2.12. Let a be a nonzero element of a finite field GF(q). The smallest positive integer n such that $a^n = 1$ is called the order of the nonzero field element a.
Theorem 2.5. Let a be a nonzero element of order n in a finite field GF(q). Then the powers of a, $a^n=1, a, a^2, \ldots, a^{n-1}$ form a cyclic subgroup of the multiplicative group of GF(q).
Theorem 2.6. Let a be a nonzero element of a finite field GF(q). Then $a^{q−1} = 1$.
Theorem 2.7. Let n be the order of a nonzero element a in GF(q). Then n divides q − 1.
Definition 2.13. A nonzero element a of a finite field GF(q) is called a primitive element if its order is q − 1. That is, $a^{q−1} = 1,a,a2, …,a^{q−2}$ form all the nonzero elements of GF(q).
定义,设a是有限域GF(q)的非零元素,能使$a^n = 1$的最小的正整数n叫做非零域元素a的阶。
定理,设a是有限域GF(q)的非零元素,则$a^{q−1} = 1$。
定律,设n是有限域GF(q)上非零元素a的阶,那么n能整除q-1即(q-1) mod n = 0。比如GF(5)上2的阶是4,$2^4=16\ mod\ 5 = 1$,4 mod 4 = 0。证明都在书上,我就不贴了。
定义,有限域GF(q)的非零元素a如果阶是q - 1则被称作本原元。即$a^{q−1} = 1,a,a2, …,a^{q−2}$构成了GF(q)的所有非零元素。
Polynomials over Finite Fields
2.5 Polynomials over Finite Fields
In this section, we consider polynomials with coefficients from a finite field GF(q), which are used in error-control coding theory. A polynomial with one variable (or indeterminate) X over GF(q) is an expression of the following form:
$a(X) = a_0 + a_1X + …, a_nX^{n}$
where n is a non-negative integer and the coefficients $a_i$, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, are elements of GF(q). The degree of a polynomial is defined as the largest power of X with a nonzero coefficient. For the polynomial a(X) above, if $a_n \neq 0$, its degree is n; if $a_n = 0$, its degree is less than n. The degree of a polynomial $a(X) = a_0$ with only the constant term is zero. We use the notation deg(a(X)) to denote the degree of polynomial a(X). A polynomial is called monic if the coefficient of the highest power of X is 1 (the unit element of GF(q)). The polynomial whose coefficients are all equal to zero is called the zero polynomial and denoted by 0.
在这里我们只考虑在错误控制编码理论中使用的,使用有限域GF(q)的元素作为系数的多项式。一个GF(q)上的只有一个变量X的多项式形式如$a(X) = a_0 + a_1X + …, a_nX^{n}$,n是非负整数,系数$a_i$是GF(q)的元素。多项式的阶被定义为非零系数的X的最大的幂次(不太喜欢把域的阶order和多项式的阶degree写成一样,所以之后都用英文)。对于前面的多项式a(X),如果$a_n \neq 0$,degree就是n,如果$a_n = 0$,degree就小于n。只有一个常数项的多项式$aX = a_0$的degree是0。我们使用deg(a(X))来表示a(X)的degree。当X最高幂次是1时多项式被称为首一多项式(即GF(q)的乘法单位元),如果多项式的所有系数都是0那就叫0多项式并且用0表示。
接下来分别说一下多项式的四则运算。The arithmetic of polynomials is governed by familiar rules, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
对于这样两个多项式,$a(X)=a_{0}+a_{1} X+\cdots+a_{n} X^{n}, \quad b(X)=b_{0}+b_{1} X+\cdots+b_{m} X^{m}$——
$a(X) \cdot b(X)=c_{0}+c_{1} X+\cdots+c_{k} X^{k}+\cdots+c_{n+m} X^{n+m}$
$c_{k}=\sum_{\substack{i+j=k, 0 \leq i \leq n, 0 \leq j \leq m}} a_{i} \cdot b_{j}$
we can readily verify that the polynomials over $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ satisfy the following conditions.
- Associative laws. For any three polynomials $a(X), b(X)$, and $c(X)$ over $\mathrm{GF}(q)$,
- Commutative laws. For any two polynomials $a(X)$ and $b(X)$ over $\operatorname{GF}(q)$,
- Distributive law. For any three polynomials $a(X), b(X)$, and $c(X)$ over $\mathrm{GF}(q)$,
In algebra, the set of polynomials over $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ under polynomial addition and multiplication defined above is called a polynomial ring over $\mathrm{GF}(q)$.
Subtraction of $b(X)$ from $a(X)$ is carried out as follows:
where $a_{i}-b_{i}=a_{i}+\left(-b_{i}\right)$ is carried out in $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ and $-b_{i}$ is the additive inverse of $b_{i}$.
Definition 2.19. A set $\mathcal{R}$ with two binary operations, called addition + and multiplication $\cdot$, is called a ring, if the following axioms are satisfied.
- $\mathcal{R}$ is a commutative group with respect to + .
- Multiplication “.” is associative, i.e., $(a \cdot b) \cdot c=a \cdot(b \cdot c)$ for all $a, b, c \in \mathcal{R}$.
- The distributive laws hold: for $a, b, c \in \mathcal{R}, a \cdot(b+c)=a \cdot b+a \cdot c$ and $(b+c) \cdot a=b \cdot a+b \cdot a$.
The set of all polynomials over $\operatorname{GF}(q)$ defined above satisfies all three axioms of a ring. Therefore, it is a ring of polynomials. The set of all integers under real addition and multiplication is a ring. For any positive integer $m \geq 2$, the set $\mathcal{R}=$ $\{0,1, \ldots, m-1\}$ under modulo- $m$ addition and multiplication forms a ring (the proof is left as an exercise). In Section 2.3, it was shown that, if $m$ is a prime, $\mathcal{R}=$ $\{0,1, \ldots, m-1\}$ is a prime field under modulo- $m$ addition and multiplication.
- $\mathcal{R}$是一个加法的交换群。
- 集合的任意元素间的乘法满足结合律。
- 集合的任意元素间的运算满足分配率。
GF(q)的所有多项式的集合满足以上三个环的功力,因此GF(q)的所有多项式是一个多项式环。所有实数整数的加法和乘法是一个环。对于任意的正整数$m \geq 2$,在modulo-m加法和乘法下的集合$\mathcal{R}= \{0,1, \ldots, m-1\}$构成一个环。在上面讨论过,如果m是一个素数,$\mathcal{R}= \{0,1, \ldots, m-1\}$就是一个modulo-m加法和乘法运算下的素数域。
Let $a(X)$ and $b(X)$ be two polynomials over $\operatorname{GF}(q)$. Suppose that $b(X)$ is not the zero polynomial, i.e., $b(X) \neq 0$. When $a(X)$ is divided by $b(X)$, we obtain a unique pair of polynomials over $\mathrm{GF}(q), q(X)$ and $r(X)$, such that
where $0 \leq \operatorname{deg}(r(X))<\operatorname{deg}(b(X))$ and the polynomials $q(X)$ and $r(X)$ are called the quotient and remainder, respectively. This is known as Euclid’s division algorithm. The quotient $q(x)$ and remainder $r(X)$ can be obtained by ordinary long division of polynomials. If $r(X)=0$, we say that $a(X)$ is divisible by $b(X)$ (or $b(X)$ divides $a(X))$.
$a(X)=q(X) \cdot b(X)+r(X)$其中$0 \leq \operatorname{deg}(r(X)),<\operatorname{deg}(b(X))$,多项式$q(X)$和$r(X)$分别被称为商和余,即欧几里得除法,$q(X)$和$r(X)$可以由多项式的长除算得。如果$r(X)$,我们就说$b(X)$整除$a(X)$,即$a(X)$ mod $b(X)$ = 0。
Example 2.13. Let $a(x)=3+4 X+X^{4}+2 X^{5}$ and $b(X)=1+3 X^{2}$. Suppose we divide $a(X)$ by $b(X)$. Using long division,
Cyclic Redundancy Check
A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to digital data. Blocks of data entering these systems get a short check value attached, based on the remainder of a polynomial division of their contents.
CRCs are so called because the check (data verification) value is a redundancy (it expands the message without adding information) and the algorithm is based on cyclic codes. CRCs are popular because they are simple to implement in binary hardware, easy to analyze mathematically, and particularly good at detecting common errors caused by noise in transmission channels. Because the check value has a fixed length, the function that generates it is occasionally used as a hash function.
Specification of a CRC code requires definition of a so-called generator polynomial. This polynomial becomes the divisor in a polynomial long division, which takes the message as the dividend and in which the quotient is discarded and the remainder becomes the result. The important caveat is that the polynomial coefficients are calculated according to the arithmetic of a finite field, so the addition operation can always be performed bitwise-parallel (there is no carry between digits).
In practice, all commonly used CRCs employ the finite field of two elements, GF(2). The two elements are usually called 0 and 1, comfortably matching computer architecture.
CRCs are specifically designed to protect against common types of errors on communication channels, where they can provide quick and reasonable assurance of the integrity of messages delivered. However, they are not suitable for protecting against intentional alteration of data.
an attacker can edit a message and recompute the CRC without the substitution being detected.
unlike cryptographic hash functions, CRC is an easily reversible function, which makes it unsuitable for use in digital signatures.
Computation, modulo-2 division(模二除法)
- 用多项式可以直接根据x的power幂次判断1分别处在第几位;
- 打个比方,现在要计算101 mod 11(modulo-2 division),
2.1 GF(2)上只有{0,1}这两个单位元,不存在101和11这两个元素,所以如果你要计算101模二除以11,实际上跟GF(2)没什么关系。而$x^2+1$和$x+1$这两个多项式可以在GF(2)上计算,因为x取{0,1}实际上用modulo-2 addition和modulo-2 multiplication结果还是在{0,1}里;
2.2 为什么非要用模二除?模二除不需要退位,因此可以用XOR计算,相当高效。但实际上模二除跟正常除法的商和余数都是没关系的。A polynomial over GF(2) can be represented as a string of bits. An integer can be represented as a string of bits. There the similarity ends. They are two entirely different beasts. 这个通过下面那段(来自asecuritysite的)代码计算101和11的例子就一目了然了。
Binary form: 101 divided by 11 |
import struct |
To compute an n-bit binary CRC, line the bits representing the input in a row, and position the (n + 1)-bit pattern representing the CRC’s divisor (called a “polynomial”) underneath the left end of the row.
In this example, we shall encode 14 bits of message with a 3-bit CRC, with a polynomial x^3 + x + 1. The polynomial is written in binary as the coefficients; a 3rd-degree polynomial has 4 coefficients (1x^3 + 0x^2 + 1x + 1). In this case, the coefficients are 1, 0, 1 and 1. The result of the calculation is 3 bits long, which is why it is called a 3-bit CRC. However, you need 4 bits to explicitly state the polynomial.
在例子里,我们用3位CRC编码14位消息(11010011101100),用的是$x^3 + x + 1$。多项式系数用二进制表示,一个3阶多项式有4个系数$(1x^3 + 0x^2 + 1x + 1)$。在例子里系数分别是1, 0, 1, 1。计算的结果是3位长度的,但是需要4位来明确地表示多项式。
This is first padded with zeros corresponding to the bit length n of the CRC. This is done so that the resulting code word is in systematic form. Here is the first calculation for computing a 3-bit CRC:
11010011101100 000 <--- input right padded by 3 bits |
The algorithm acts on the bits directly above the divisor in each step. The result for that iteration is the bitwise XOR of the polynomial divisor with the bits above it. The bits not above the divisor are simply copied directly below for that step. The divisor is then shifted right to align with the highest remaining 1 bit in the input, and the process is repeated until the divisor reaches the right-hand end of the input row. Here is the entire calculation:
这种算法每一步都作用于除数正上方的位。迭代的结果是多项式除数与上面对应位的按位异或。不在除数上方的位直接复制到下方。然后将除数右移以与输入中剩余的最高 “1” 位对齐,并重复该过程,直到除数到达输入行的右端。 这是整个计算过程:11010011101100 000 <--- input right padded by 3 bits
1011 <--- divisor
01100011101100 000 <--- result (note the first four bits are the XOR with the divisor beneath, the rest of the bits are unchanged)
1011 <--- divisor ...
00111011101100 000
00010111101100 000
00000001101100 000 <--- note that the divisor moves over to align with the next 1 in the dividend (since quotient for that step was zero)
1011 (in other words, it doesn't necessarily move one bit per iteration)
00000000110100 000
00000000011000 000
00000000001110 000
00000000000101 000
101 1
00000000000000 100 <--- remainder (3 bits). Division algorithm stops here as dividend is equal to zero.
Since the leftmost divisor bit zeroed every input bit it touched, when this process ends the only bits in the input row that can be nonzero are the n bits at the right-hand end of the row. These n bits are the remainder of the division step, and will also be the value of the CRC function (unless the chosen CRC specification calls for some postprocessing).
The validity of a received message can easily be verified by performing the above calculation again, this time with the check value added instead of zeroes. The remainder should equal zero if there are no detectable errors.
收到的消息的有效性可以通过简单地重复上面的计算过程验证,这次附加的n位不是0,是之前计算的余数。如果没有可检测的错误,这次计算的余数应该等于0,像下面的演示一样。11010011101100 100 <--- input with check value
1011 <--- divisor
01100011101100 100 <--- result
1011 <--- divisor ...
00111011101100 100
00000000001110 100
00000000000101 100
101 1
00000000000000 000 <--- remainder
RAID2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Channel Codes