
Data parallelism is a way to process multiple data batches across multiple devices simultaneously to achieve better performance. In PyTorch, the DistributedSampler ensures each device gets a non-overlapping input batch. The model is replicated on all the devices; each replica calculates gradients and simultaneously synchronizes with the others using the ring all-reduce algorithm(梯度在設備間環狀傳遞、求和、更新).


水蚺 (Anaconda) 蟒蛇 (Python)
常待在河流、沼泽等水域中。 生活在森林、草原或岩石地区。
更重更粗壮,适应水中的捕猎。 更长但较轻,灵活性更高。
卵胎生(卵在母体内孵化后直接产下幼蛇) 卵生(产卵,并在巢中孵化)

RL Atari

Gym 是 OpenAI 做的 RL tasks 模拟库 (虽然 Play Atari w/ Deep RL 等都是 Deepmind 发的),比如 CartPole, Robot Locomotion, Atari 2600 都有模拟。除了 Python 外在 C++ 也实现了此 API。
其中 ALE (Arcade-Learning-Environment) 是 Atari 2600 part,stable-baselines3 在这个模拟库的逻辑之上实现 RL 经典算法。

paper Molecule generation using transformers and policy gradient reinforcement learning




在文獻裡 Molecular Generation 和 Molecule Generation 這倆說法各占一半。

Elo Rating System和Probability Theory Basics


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