Elo Rating System
The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in zero-sum games such as chess or esports. It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics professor. (Educated in public primary and secondary schools, he earned his BS (22歲) and MS (25歲) degrees, in Physics, from the University of Chicago.)
西洋棋的elo rating在這裡,我的dota和chess在這裡。
Pairwise comparisons form the basis of the Elo rating methodology.
Elo’s central assumption was that the chess performance of each player in each game is a normally distributed random variable. Although a player might perform significantly better or worse from one game to the next, Elo assumed that the mean value of the performances of any given player changes only slowly over time. Elo thought of a player’s true skill as the mean of that player’s performance random variable.
A further assumption is necessary because chess performance in the above sense is still not measurable. One cannot look at a sequence of moves and derive a number to represent that player’s skill. Performance can only be inferred from wins, draws, and losses. Therefore, a player who wins a game is assumed to have performed at a higher level than the opponent for that game. Conversely, a losing player is assumed to have performed at a lower level. If the game ends in a draw, the two players are assumed to have performed at nearly the same level.
Mathematical details
如果玩家A的rating是RA,玩家B的當前分數是RB,玩家A預測分數的公式(using the logistic curve with base 10)是
$E_{\mathrm{A}}=\frac{1}{1+10^{\left(R_{\mathrm{B}}-R_{\mathrm{A}}\right) / 400}} .$
$E_{\mathrm{B}}=\frac{1}{1+10^{\left(R_{\mathrm{A}}-R_{\mathrm{B}}\right) / 400}} .$
$R_{\mathrm{A}}^{\prime}=R_{\mathrm{A}}+K \cdot\left(S_{\mathrm{A}}-E_{\mathrm{A}}\right).$
K-factor set at K=16 for masters and K=32 for weaker players.
Moreover, online judge sites are also using Elo rating system or its derivatives. For example, Topcoder is using a modified version based on normal distribution, while Codeforces is using another version based on logistic distribution.
Formal derivation for win/loss games
The above expressions can be now formally derived by exploiting the link between the Elo rating and the stochastic gradient update in the logistic regression.有的用隨機梯度更新分數
A logistic function or logistic curve is a common S-shaped curve (sigmoid curve) with the equation.
- L is the carrying capacity, the supremum of the values of the function;
- k is the logistic growth rate, the steepness of the curve; and
- x0 is the x value of the function’s midpoint.
The logistic function has domain the real numbers, the limit as x→−∞ is 0, and the limit as x→+∞ is L.
sup(X)是取上限函数,inf(X) 是取下限函数。 sup是supremum的简写,意思是:上确界,最小上界。 inf是infimum的简写,意思是:下确界,最大下界。
A sigmoid function refers specifically to a function whose graph follows the logistic function. It is defined by the formula:
$\sigma(x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}=\frac{e^x}{1+e^x}=1-\sigma(-x) .$
The logistic function was introduced in a series of three papers by Pierre François Verhulst between 1838 and 1847, who devised it as a model of population growth by adjusting the exponential growth model。
Exponential Growth:
所有圖像長得像logsitic函數的都是sigmoid函數(S-shaped curve)。
Logistic functions are used in several roles in statistics. For example, they are the cumulative distribution function of the logistic family of distributions, and they are, a bit simplified, used to model the chance a chess player has to beat their opponent in the Elo rating system. More specific examples now follow.
Logistic regression
Logistic functions are used in logistic regression to model how the probability p of an event may be affected by one or more explanatory variables: an example would be to have the model
$p = f(a + bx),$
where x is the explanatory variable, a and b are model parameters to be fitted, and f is the standard logistic function.
Logistic regression and other log-linear models are also commonly used in machine learning. A generalisation of the logistic function to multiple inputs is the softmax activation function, used in multinomial logistic regression.
把數據$(x_i, y_i)$代入之後,用最小平方法(Least Square)計算loss function目標/損失函數,
${Loss}\left({\beta}_0, {\beta}_1\right)=\sum_{i=1}^n\left(y_i-\hat{y}_i\right)^2=\sum_{i=1}^n\left(y_i-\left({\beta}_0+{\beta}_1 x_i\right)\right)^2$
而log-linear就是把a+bx結果代入logistic或者其他sigmoid函數,好處是比如對分類任務來說,这个Sigmoid Function可以将线性的值,映射到[0-1]范围中。如果映射结果小于0.5,则认为是负的样本,如果是大于0.5,则认为是正的样本。
A workable rating system, fully developed from basic theory, includes certain principal components:
- Rating scale
- Performance distribution function
- Percentage expectancy function
- Performance rating formula
- Continuous rating formula
- Appropriate numerical coefficients and ancillary formulae
—— 8.12 The Rating of Chessplayers, Past & Present, Second Edition, Arpad E. Elo
區別就是預期分數(player’s expected score)的計算公式,上面用的logistic function(base10)其實就是logistic distribution的CDF,可以發現如下圖所示跟normal distribution的CDF很像。
- In probability theory and statistics, the logistic distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
- Its cumulative distribution function is the logistic function, which appears in logistic regression and feedforward neural networks.
- It resembles the normal distribution in shape but has heavier tails (higher kurtosis).
logistic distribution其實就是尾部更長的normal distribution了。
Logistic distribution | Normal distribution | ||||||
Probability density function | Probability density function | ||||||
Cumulative distribution function |
Cumulative distribution function | ||||||
Notation | LogisticDistribution(μ,s) | ||||||
Parameters |
location (real) scale (real) |
= mean (location) = variance (squared scale) | |||||
Support | |||||||
CDF | |||||||
Quantile | |||||||
Mean | |||||||
Median | |||||||
Mode | |||||||
Variance |
Probability theory basics機率基礎
台大電機 Prof. 葉丙成 機率與統計 2013,這個講得超好。
- Experiment實驗(procedures實驗步驟、model機率模型、observations結果觀察,三個部分任何一個改變,都會變為新的實驗),
- Outcome結果,
- Sample Space樣本空間,若是S={o1,…,on}n個outcome的集合
- Event事件(實驗結果的敘述,因此是Outcome的集合,或者是Sample Space的子集),
- Event Space事件空間,則為\{\{o1},…,{on},{o1,o2},{o1,o3},…,{on-1,on},{o1,o2,o3},…,{o1,o2,…,on},{}}一共2^n個事件元素的集合
- Probability機率(是個函數,P(Event),Probability is a function of Event(Set),Domain定義域就是Event Space,Range值域是[0,1])
- Set Theory(因為Probability is a function of Set,所以要了解Set)術語:
- Element, Set, Subset, Universal Set全集, Empty Set, Intersection交集, Union并集/聯集, Complement補集, Difference差集(X - Y), Disjoint不相交(X, Y disjoint if X∩Y=∅), Mutually Exclusive互斥(兩個set是disjoint,一堆集合兩兩不相交就是互斥)
- De Morgan’s Law:
Axioms /ˈaksɪəm/
近代數學常從數條公理推導出整套理論,線性代數有8(9?)條公理(9 axioms of linear algebra/real vector spaces):
- Additive axioms. For every x,y,z in X, we have
- x+y = y+x.
- (x+y)+z = x+(y+z).
- 0+x = x+0 = x.
- (-x) + x = x + (-x) = 0.
- Multiplicative axioms. For every x in X and real numbers c,d, we have
- 0x = 0
- 1x = x
- (cd)x = c(dx)
- Distributive axioms. For every x,y in X and real numbers c,d, we have
- c(x+y) = cx + cy.
- (c+d)x = cx +dx.
Axioms of Probability(機率三公理):
- Axiom 1: For any event A, $P(A) \geq 0$
- Axiom 2: Probability of the sample space S is $P(S)=1$
- Axiom 3: If A1,A2,A3,⋯ are disjoint events, then $P(A_1 \cup A_2 \cup A_3 \cdots)=P(A_1)+P(A_2)+P(A_3)+\cdots$
- P(A) = P(A-B) + P(A∩B)
- P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A∩B)
- 切麵包定理:若 $C_1, C_2, \cdots, C_n$互斥,且$C_1 \cup C_2 \cup \cdots \cup C_n = S$,則对任何事件 A:$P(A) = P(A \cap C_1) + P(A \cap C_2) + \cdots + (A \cap C_n)$
- 若A⊂B則P(A)≤P(B)
- Boole’s inequality/Union Bound布爾不等式:對任何事件A1, A2, …, An,$\mathbb{P}\left(\bigcup_i A_i\right)\leq \sum_i\mathbb P(A_i)$
- Bonferroni’s inequality
conditional probability條件機率(貝氏定理)
P ( X | Y ), Y是觀察到的已發生的事件,X是關心的未發生的事件。
$P(X|Y) = \frac{P(X\cap Y)}{P(Y)}$
P ( X | Y )可以理解成只是樣本空間S變成了Y而已。
若事件C1, C2 . . . Cn互斥且S = C1 ∪ C2 ∪ . . . . . ∪ Cn,則對任意事件A,
- Law of Total Probability(切麵包),$\begin{array}{l} P(A) =\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} P(C_i)P(A| C_i)\end{array}$。Ex:阿宅 vs. 可愛店員:店員對阿宅笑否,受店的生意影響很大。已知滿座機率,可愛店員對阿宅笑的機率?
- Bayes’ Rule, $ P(C_j|A)=\frac{P(A|C_j)P(C_j)}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} P(A | C_i) P(C_i)}$,之前算的都是P of A given C,貝葉斯是解決計算P of C given A。Ex:一日,老闆見可愛店員笑,請問在此情況下,當日生意滿座之機率為何?
Prof. Benson立刻就講到了更好的定義,若滿足P(A|B) = P(A)則A、B兩事件為獨立事件。
根據上面的理解“P ( X | Y )可以理解成只是樣本空間S變成了Y而已”,即Y的樣本空間跟X完全沒有關係,比如X的樣本空間是{o1, o2, …, on},Y的樣本空間是{p1, p2, …, pn},事件Y可能是{p1, p2, p3},完全不影響這個世界裡事件X發生與否,這裡的Y實際上是{p1, p2, p3, o1, o2, …, on}。
非獨立事件的conditional probability是這樣的:假如實驗是投一個6面骰子一次,樣本空間是{1,2,3,4,5,6},X事件是扔出{1,5,6},Y事件是扔出大數{4,5,6},那X|Y的樣本空間就變成了{4,5,6}即X只可能是扔出了大數中的某個數,o1∩Y=∅,X就變成{5,6},P(X|Y)則=P({5,6})/P({4,5,6})=2/3。
Graph Scheme
counting method
- distinguishable? 可區分?
- w/wo replacement? 有放回?
- order matters or not? 關心順序嗎?if order matters then Permutation (排列問題) else Combination (組合問題)
Permutation(order matters)
- w/o replacement
- w/ replacement
Combination(order doesn’t matter)
除以k!就是因為order doesn’t matter,要把order的排列除掉,也就是k個items的所有排列方式k!種(比如3個items有6種排列方式=3!)。
數學裡叫n choose k,n取k。
$C(n, k) = \binom{n}{k} = C_n^k = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$
Random Variable隨機變數
- Discrete R.V. (離散隨機變數)
- Continuous R.V. (連續隨機變數)
CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function)
累計分佈函數$F_X(x) = P(X \le x)$。
PMF (Probability Mass Function)
Discrete Probability Distributions
Bernoulli Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Uniform Distribution
Geometric Distribution
$S_n=\frac{a_1\left(1-r^n\right)}{1-r}, r \neq 1$
Pascal Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Probability Density Function
Uniform Distribution
Exponential Distribution
Gamma / Erlang Distribution
Normal Distribution
比如gaussian,為什麼單獨對standard normal建表?因為:。。。
關於PDF vs. PMF上面(why mass和density,這張圖一目了然,continuous不能有PMF,就是顧名思義“質量”和“密度”的關係)寫過了。
PDF/PMF 就是 P(x = …);
CDF 就是P(… < x < …)。
Central Limit Theorem(中央極限定理)
為什麼mean是probability,variance是probability(1- probability),因為Bernoulli的X非1即0,所以expectation是1*probability + 0*(1- probability),$Var(X)=E(X^2)-E(X)^2 = probability - probability^2$。
- 概率(Probability) 是指给定某个已知的模型和参数时,观测数据出现的可能性。
- 已知模型和参数,计算数据出现的概率。
- 似然(Likelihood) 则是指给定观测数据的情况下,某个特定模型参数出现的可能性。
- 已知数据,计算特定模型参数的可能性。
似然(Likelihood) 通常指的是一个函数,用来衡量某个特定参数值在给定数据集下生成这些数据的可能性。它并不是概率,虽然其形式和概率类似,但有所不同。具体来说,似然是根据已知数据和模型参数来计算某个参数值“合理性”的度量。
似然函数(Likelihood Function)是指给定某个参数值后,生成观测数据的概率(或可能性)。我们通过似然函数来评估不同参数值的合理性。
$P(\theta \mid D) = \frac{P(D \mid \theta) P(\theta)}{P(D)}$,
$P(\theta \mid D)$ 是后验概率(Posterior Probability),即在观察到数据 $D$ 后,参数 $\theta$ 的概率分布。
$P(D \mid \theta)$ 是似然函数,即在给定参数 $\theta$ 的条件下,观察到数据 $D$ 的概率。
$P(\theta)$ 是先验概率(Prior Probability),即在没有观察到数据时,关于参数 $\theta$ 的先验知识。
$P(D)$ 是证据或标准化常数,确保后验概率的总和为1。
假设你在诊断一个病人是否患有某种疾病,$\theta$ 代表病人是否患病(例如 $\theta = 1$ 代表患病,$\theta = 0$ 代表不患病)。你有以下信息:
先验 $P(\theta)$:表示你在没有任何诊断数据时,认为病人患病的概率。
似然 $P(D \mid \theta)$:表示在给定病人确实患病或未患病的情况下,得到某种诊断结果 $D$ 的概率。
后验 $P(\theta \mid D)$:表示在获取到诊断结果 $D$ 后,病人患病的更新概率。
應用場景是我們經常需要已知 $P(\theta \mid D)$ 求 $P(D \mid \theta)$(或反之),那麼假如我們還知道 $P(\theta)$ 就可以用貝葉斯公式求解,其中 $P(D)$ 根據上面條件機率中的Law of Total Probability(切麵包)可以通過 $P(D) = =\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} P(\theta_i)P(D \mid \theta_i)$ 求解。
同樣用上面的例子,“$P(D)$”是診斷結果的機率,可以通過無數個獨立的病人是否患病 $P(\theta_i)$ 乘基於此的診斷結果 $P(D \mid \theta_i)$ 之和求得。
用似然解釋Neural Nets
- 似然函數與預測的關係:
- 对于分类任务,假设我们有 $C$ 个类别,并且通过神经网络得到了每个类别的概率 $p(y_i = c | x_i; \theta)$,其中 $c$ 是类别标签,$y_i$ 是样本 $i$ 的真实标签。
- 这个概率分布表示了模型对每个类别的“信心”。假设真实标签是 $y_i = c$,那么我们关心的是模型预测该标签的概率 $p(y_i = c | x_i; \theta)$。
- 模型目標轉為最大/極大化似然函數(maximum likelihood estimation,简作MLE):
- 对于所有训练数据点,似然函数 $L(\theta)$ 是所有预测的概率的乘积:
- 这个似然函数表示了在给定所有训练数据的条件下,模型参数 $\theta$ 下观测到实际标签的“概率”或“可能性”。
- 模型的目標就是找到 $\theta$ 讓模型預測到正確類別 $y_i$ 的概率 $p(y_i)$ 最大化。
- 原來的乘積轉為對數:
- 为了简化计算和优化,通常使用对数似然(log-likelihood),这将乘积转化为和(因為我們並不關心 $L$ 的絕對值而只希望越大越好):
- 对数似然的作用是将概率分布的乘法转化为对数的加法,便于优化(尤其是在梯度下降中)。
- 为了简化计算和优化,通常使用对数似然(log-likelihood),这将乘积转化为和(因為我們並不關心 $L$ 的絕對值而只希望越大越好):
- 负对数似然(NLL):
- 由于我们通常使用最大化对数似然来训练模型,但在优化过程中更常见的是最小化损失函数。因此,我们使用负对数似然(negative log-likelihood)作为损失函数:
- 其實交叉熵softmax或者MSE(L2) Loss都可以看作是一種NLL Loss:
- 当我们假设数据点 $y_i$ 是从一个高斯(正态)分布中采样的,且预测值 $\hat{y}_i$ 也是一个高斯分布的均值时,NLL 会转化为 MSE。
- 假设我们有一组样本 $(x_i, y_i)$,我们的目标是最小化 NLL,使得模型的预测概率最大化。如果我们假设数据点 $y_i$ 服从一个高斯分布,均值为 $\hat{y}_i$,方差为 $\sigma^2$,那么似然函数为:
- NLL:
- 可以看到,这里有两部分:一部分是 $(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2$,另一部分是常数项。我们通常关心的是与参数优化相关的部分,因此常数项可以忽略不计,剩下的就是一个类似于均方误差的项:
- 在二分类问题中,我们假设每个样本的标签 $y_i$ 是从 Bernoulli 分布中采样的,模型预测的是一个表示为类别 1 的概率 $p(y_i = 1 | x_i; \theta)$。假设输出概率是 $\hat{y}_i$,那么负对数似然(NLL)为:
- 这实际上就是 $\textbf{二分类交叉熵(Binary Cross-Entropy)}$ 损失函数。因此,二分类交叉熵与 NLL 是等价的,它表示了模型预测概率与真实标签之间的差异。
- 当我们假设数据点 $y_i$ 是从一个高斯(正态)分布中采样的,且预测值 $\hat{y}_i$ 也是一个高斯分布的均值时,NLL 会转化为 MSE。
我們希望最大化给定输入 $X$ 时,输出 $Y$ 的条件概率。
我們希望最大化给定数据 $X$ 时,原分布数据出现的概率。
用貝葉斯解釋Neural Nets
1. 贝叶斯公式
- $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) $ 是后验分布,表示在观测数据 $ X $ 和标签 $ Y $ 后,参数 $ \theta $ 的分布。
- $ P(Y \mid X, \theta) $ 是似然函数,表示在给定参数 $ \theta $ 和输入 $ X $ 时,标签 $ Y $ 出现的概率。
- $ P(\theta) $ 是先验分布,表示我们对参数 $ \theta $ 的先验信念。
- $ P(Y \mid X) $ 是边际似然或证据:
2. 最大化后验概率MAP
即最大後驗概率估計(Maximum A Posteriori estimation, MAP)。A posteriori is from Latin ā posteriōrī, which means literally, “from what is later.”
为了找到最可能的参数值 $ \theta $,我们希望最大化后验分布 $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) $:
由于分母 $ P(Y \mid X) $ 与参数 $ \theta $ 无关,是一个常数,因此可以忽略。这样,最大化后验概率等价于最大化分子:
3. 对数变换
4. 最小化负对数损失
这就得到了 MAP 损失函数:
- 第一项 $ -\log P(Y \mid X, \theta) $ 是负对数似然(NLL),衡量模型预测的准确性。
- 第二项 $ -\log P(\theta) $ 是负对数先验,对参数进行正则化,鼓励模型参数满足先验分布。
5. 特殊情况:最大似然估计(MLE)
当先验 $ P(\theta) $ 是均匀分布时,先验项 $ \log P(\theta) $ 是一个常数。此时,MAP 退化为最大似然估计(MLE):
- MAP 最大化的是后验概率 $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) $,通过结合似然和先验来优化参数。
- MLE 是 MAP 的一种特殊情况,当先验均匀时,MAP 退化为 MLE,只最大化似然。
推导步骤 | 最大似然估计(MLE) | 最大后验估计(MAP) |
目标 | 最大化数据的似然函数,即找到最可能的参数值 $ \theta $。 | 最大化后验分布 $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) $,结合了似然和先验。 |
后验分布 / 似然 | 无先验,仅依赖似然: | 依赖似然和先验: |
$ P(\theta \mid X, Y) \propto P(Y \mid X, \theta) $ | $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) \propto P(Y \mid X, \theta) P(\theta) $ | |
贝叶斯公式 | $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) = \frac{P(Y \mid X, \theta) P(\theta)}{P(Y)} $ | $ P(\theta \mid X, Y) = \frac{P(Y \mid X, \theta) P(\theta)}{P(Y \mid X)} $ |
推导目标 | 最大化似然函数($ P(Y \mid X, \theta) $) | 最大化后验分布(结合似然和先验) |
取对数后 | 对似然函数取对数得到对数似然: | 对后验分布取对数得到对数后验: |
$ \log P(Y \mid X, \theta) $ | $ \log P(Y \mid X, \theta) + \log P(\theta) $ | |
损失函数 | 负对数似然(Negative Log-Likelihood, NLL)损失函数: | MAP损失函数: |
$ \text{NLL}_{\text{MLE}} = -\log P(Y \mid X, \theta) $ | $ \text{MAP loss} = -\log P(Y \mid X, \theta) - \log P(\theta) $ | |
优化目标 | 最小化负对数似然(NLL): | 最小化MAP损失函数: |
$ \hat{\theta}_{\text{MLE}} = \arg\min_{\theta} \left[ -\log P(Y \mid X, \theta) \right] $ | $ \hat{\theta}_{\text{MAP}} = \arg\min_{\theta} \left[ -\log P(Y \mid X, \theta) - \log P(\theta) \right] $ | |
是否包含先验 | 不包含先验。 | 包含先验 $ P(\theta) $,通过 $ -\log P(\theta) $ 正则化参数。 |
在数据稀缺时的行为 | 在数据稀缺时,MLE 可能会过拟合,因为它仅关注最大化似然,没有考虑任何先验。 | 在数据稀缺时,MAP 通过引入先验能够稳定估计,避免过拟合。 |
特殊情况 | 当先验 $ P(\theta) $ 是均匀分布时,MAP 退化为 MLE。 | 当先验是均匀分布时,MAP 退化为最大似然估计(MLE)。 |
dota mmr
Valve has stated that matchmaking tries to fulfil several criteria:
- The teams are balanced. (Each team has a 50% chance to win. It’s based on Elo rating.)
- The discrepancy in skill between the most and least skilled player in the match is minimized.
- The highest skill Radiant player should be close to the same skill as the highest skill Dire player.
- The discrepancy between experience (measured by the number of games played) between the least experienced player and the most experienced player is minimized.
- Each team contains about the same number of parties.
- Five-player parties can only be matched against other five-player parties.
- Players’ language preferences contains a common language.
- Wait times shouldn’t be too long.
elo hell
Elo hell (also known as MMR hell) is a video gaming term used in MOBAs and other multiplayer online games with competitive modes. It refers to portions of the matchmaking ranking spectrum where individual matches are of poor quality, and are often determined by factors such as poor team coordination which are perceived to be outside the individual player’s control. This ostensibly makes it difficult for skilled players to “climb” up the matchmaking ranking (and out of Elo hell), due to the difficulty of consistently winning games under these conditions. Its existence in various games has been debated, and some game developers have called it an illusion caused by cognitive bias.